Trademark Name: Coconutya
Trademark Registration Number: 4573002
Jurisdiction: Delhi, India
Classes Covered: 32
Trademark Usage: Used for 2 years
Status: Registered
About Trademark: Coconutya is a health-focused brand dedicated to providing 100% natural and refreshing coconut water. Known for its pure taste and high quality, Coconutya caters to the wellness-conscious market, offering a hydrating and nutrient-rich beverage that appeals to fitness enthusiasts, health-conscious individuals, and anyone seeking a natural alternative to sugary drinks.
Who can Buy: Entrepreneurs, beverage companies, health and wellness brands, or investors looking to expand into the natural and organic drink segment can benefit from acquiring the Coconutya brand. It is an ideal opportunity for those aiming to capitalize on the growing demand for health-focused beverages in domestic and international markets.